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Grain drying tower market prospect analysis (continue)

Source:Global grainRelease time:2015-09-10 14:12:50


Market prospect analysis of grain drying tower


1.1 mechanization of grain drying grain drying tower is an important part of the mechanization of agricultural production

Agricultural production is composed of many links, ask each link mutual coordination, balance development to promote the sustainable development of agriculture. In an era of mainly rely on artificial harvesting the crops, grain cut down will make the field air basks in a period of time, do so on the one hand, is beneficial to grain after ripening, on the other hand is also in order to reduce the grain moisture content (generally below 18%), after the threshing grain in the short term is not bad. Then these grains in batches in the air is basked in, green coffees which are to achieve long-term preservation requirements. With the rapid popularization of the technology of mechanized harvest, harvest efficiency greatly, there would be no tian asked the process of drying grain harvest, a large amount of high moisture grain harvested directly loaded into a pocket or piled up together, such as long time no processing, will be fever, results in the decrease of quality, and eating a sharp, even mould. Harvest time in case of wet weather, the loss will be more serious. To solve the problem of mechanized harvest brings to the post-processing of grain, find a new equilibrium, it needs to develop mechanization of grain drying grain drying tower.

1.2 the mechanization of grain drying grain drying tower can improve the quality of the grain

As living standards and the improvement of material needs, people also gradually strong demand for high quality rice, high quality rice production in addition to need good varieties and growth environment, need more scientific methods of drying and storage to ensure the quality of rice. According to foreign experience, high moisture grain harvest after 3 hours into the drying machine, 24 hours to the water to the safe storage standard can ensure grain biological activity and the quality is not affected.

1.3 the mechanization of grain drying grain drying tower can reduce the grain loss, save the land resources

Compared with the traditional way of grain drying (drying) ground of food impurity increase, lower quality, processing ability is limited, influenced by sketching conditions, will bring many drawbacks, such as traffic hidden trouble mechanization of grain drying technology is not affected by sketching conditions, at any time can be used for grain drying, food drying tower made after harvest of grain moisture content quickly and evenly to save safety requirements, to ensure food safety, enhance the quality of food, save the land resources.

More information on grain dryer, also please continue to focus on our official website, global food machine net: http://www.weddingmemoery.com




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