Exhibition information

Release time:2015-09-08 17:08:11

Exhibition name:The sixth IND China International Modern & Oil Machinery & Equipment Exhibition

Place:Chinese International Exhibition Center (old state fair)

Start time:2015-11-11 17:08:00

End time:2015-11-13 17:08:00

Exhibition content

The sixth IND China International Modern & Oil Machinery & Equipment Exhibition
Time: November 2015 11-13 location: Chinese International Exhibition Center (Old State Fair)
Official website: www.foodoilexpo.com
Approval unit:
China Council for the promotion of international trade
China and the Chinese Academy of oil and fats oils and fats branch of the Chinese Cereals and oils Society
Yonghong International Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Beijing jewon sunshine Exhibition Co. Ltd.
China Grain Development Network China oil development network
Food Machinery Development Network China Food Development Network
Authority support:
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and oil marketing technology branch of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Chinese Academy of cereals and oils, corn deep processing branch, China
Enterprise support:
COFCO Engineering Equipment Co. Ltd. (Zhangjiakou) Buhler (Wuxi) commercial limited company
Jiangsu shepherd group COFCO (Nanpi) Co., Ltd. engineering equipment
Hunan Chenzhou grain and Oil Machinery Co. Ltd. Beijing Tongchuang Global Technology Development Co. Ltd.
Jiangsu Tom Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. Henan Huatai & Oil Machinery Engineering Co., Ltd.
Zhengzhou Siwei Electromechanical Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Zhaodong Donglong energy-saving new technology Co.
Zhejiang Ling the explosion-proof fan Co. Ltd. toyox Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Henan Yida group Jiangsu State Grain Storage Engineering Co. Ltd.
Kang Yuan in grain and oil equipment (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Henan Oriental Machine Group Co. Ltd.
Wuhan crown friendship Oil Engineering Co., Ltd. Sola Taco Pml Precision Mechanism Ltd
Kaifeng City, flourishing Machinery Co., Ltd. Chongqing co Sheng Industrial Co., Ltd.
Anhui, Anhui, the food machinery and Equipment Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Baojia automation equipment Co., Ltd. Wuxi Xin and Yuan Machinery Co. Ltd.
Michael Ande Group Co. Ltd. Danyang Jinding Dedusting Equipment Co. Ltd.
Jiaozuo City, Shengli Oil Equipment Co., Ltd., Jiaozuo City, China food machinery and Equipment Co., Ltd.
Henan City, Wuxi Province, the large machinery and Equipment Co., Ltd., Feng Xiang Machinery Co., Ltd.
Changzhou city Huarun Dedusting Equipment Co. Ltd. Yidu Alltronics electrical equipment Limited by Share Ltd
Last review:
由中國糧油學(xué)會油脂分會、中國糧油學(xué)會食品分會、食品機(jī)械發(fā)展網(wǎng)、中國經(jīng)濟(jì)技術(shù)合作交流促進(jìn)會聯(lián)合指導(dǎo),永紅國際展覽(北京)有限公司、北京展文陽光展覽有限公司全力籌辦的第五屆IND中國國際現(xiàn)代糧油機(jī)械裝備展覽會(簡稱:第五屆IND國家糧油機(jī)械展或第五屆IND國家糧機(jī)展)于2014年12月21-23日在北京中國國際展覽中心(下稱:國展中心)勝利召開,包括中糧工程(張家口)、谷立方、布勒(中國)、牧羊集團(tuán)、中糧(南皮)、邁安德集團(tuán)、鄭州四維、河南華泰、東洋克斯、環(huán)球同創(chuàng)、國糧倉儲、茂盛機(jī)械、中機(jī)康元、皇冠友誼、合盛工業(yè)、郴州糧機(jī)、青島寶佳、巨力機(jī)械、東方面機(jī)、勝利糧機(jī)、華糧機(jī)械、豐祥機(jī)械、中大機(jī)械、億德集團(tuán)、索拉泰克、靈其防爆、神健糧機(jī)等中很多知名企業(yè)全部參加了本屆展覽會,大會以巨大產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈優(yōu)勢向整個(gè)糧油機(jī)械行 Industry shows great advantages of brand event.
Institute of China National Cereals, Chang Kuei Feng director, Institute of China National Cereals, Hu Chengmiao secretary general, Institute of China National Cereals, oil branch of King Ruiyuan president, China Cereals, Oils & learn food branch Yao Huiyuan president, respectively, the success of the fifth session of the ind held a grand congratulations, leaders have said that as a powerful industry chain advantages ind national foodstuff machinery exhibition, after five years of rapid development, has become the food industry as a whole brand event, Ind national foodstuff machinery exhibition is in the development of power industry, we believe that ind will certainly be able to do better and better, more hope and Industry friends together together in November 2015 the sixth ind national foodstuff machinery exhibition.
The sixth session of the IND state machine exhibition has the absolute advantage of the development of the industry
On the eve of the fifth session of the event, Ind National Foodstuff Machinery Exhibition Conference Organizing Committee Yonghong International Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd. after careful study to determine the approval of the sixth ind National Foodstuff Machinery Exhibition of the work plan and report to the superior units, decided on November 11-13, 2015 in Beijing China International Exhibition Center held a grand ind Sixth China International Modern Grain and oil machinery and equipment exhibition. The general assembly by the China National Cereals, Oils and fats, Oils and fats, the China Association of food and oil industry association, a joint guidance, with industry leaders' authority. At the same time, the sixth national foodstuff machinery ind exhibition relying on IEOE international oil and Bo and IGPE national Exposition (collectively known as the Beijing National Cereals, Oils exhibition), belonging to the Beijing National Cereals, Oils exhibition inalienable important component, has the natural advantages of the industrial chain.
As is known to all, sponsored by the China Food Industry Association of grain and oil products exhibition (sponsored by reason of State Administration of grain) in 2014 to adjust for a two-year term, recess in 2015, followed by subsequent Beijing grain and oil exhibition will be independently bear annual exhibition mission, the sixth national foodstuff machinery ind exhibition as North Jingliang oil and gas development inseparable part, also ushered in the five years to the maximum period of opportunity for development. I believe the majority of my friends will trust again Beijing grain and oil exhibition, again trust the sixth ind national foodstuff machinery exhibition, also with the Organizing Committee of the conference again gathered in Beijing International Exhibition Center.
The sixth session of the national food exhibition invite IND:
Friends! Good show can bring economic benefits, product



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